Think Autism provides home, school and community based early intervention services for neurodivergent children aged 2-9 years old in Perth, Western Australia.


What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy supports the development and engagement of children and their families in everyday routines and activities (occupations). These routines include play, education, self-care and social participation. Our role is to work with you to achieve your goals and to support your child to build their skills so that they can participate as fully as is possible in the activities of everyday life.


What we can help with:

⭐️ Emotional regulation and interoception ⭐️

⭐️ Social and relationship development ⭐️

⭐️ Gross and fine motor skills ⭐️

⭐️ Sensory supports ⭐️

⭐️ Handwriting ⭐️

⭐️ Self advocacy⭐️

⭐️ Mealtimes ⭐️

⭐️ Sleep ⭐️

⭐️ Toileting ⭐️

⭐️ Self care and daily routines ⭐️

How We Work


When you feel ready, please contact us so that we can gather some information about your child and family to determine if our services will be a suitable fit. We do not require a formal referral from your GP or paediatrician. 


We carry out an Initial Assessment to enable us to gather detailed information about your child’s strengths, challenges and goals for therapy. You may be asked to complete a questionnaire as part of this session. A follow-up appointment is booked with you and your child for us to gather more information. This may include play, observations and some more formal assessments if required.

Occupational Therapy

We provide services at home, school and in the community. Location choice is dependent on your child’s goals. If gross motor development is a goal for example, we might meet you at the park for sessions. You are an important part of the journey and your participation in the therapy process including home practice is encouraged. Depending on your child’s developmental needs and your family’s circumstances, your child’s therapist will recommend either weekly or fortnightly sessions. Therapy includes targeted Occupational Therapy intervention, feedback on your child’s progress and home fun/practice if relevant.

Workshops for Parents & Teachers

At Think Autism, we are very passionate about sharing our knowledge with others. We offer a range of education opportunities to parents, carers, educators and health professionals through online workshops or face-to-face. If you are interested in attending one of our workshops, please contact us.


All occupational therapy services and consultancy are available via Telehealth (video or phone). Telehealth sessions are tailored to each family’s goals. A session plan will be sent to you prior to the appointment, including any resources that will be helpful to prepare. We will only suggest practical equipment and resources that you are likely to have in your home. If you are not able to access the resources requested, this is OK! Let your therapist know and they will be able to plan new activities with what you have available at home.

 Start Your Journey With Us Today